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Here’s Why Organic Skincare Products Are Better For Your Skin

Keeping your skin healthy, glowing, and balanced is of significant importance for many of you. Most think that it’s a matter of diet, exercise, and an overall healthy lifestyle. What about the skincare products we use though? These products contain ingredients and chemicals that our skin absorbs within a few minutes like a sponge.

Natural and organic skincare products have become extremely popular over the past years, with various brands aiming to swap chemicals in their product lines with natural ingredients that are more gentle towards the skin.

But why should you opt in for a natural skincare routine? Here are the top reasons why you should be going for organic ingredients in all your products.

1. Less chemicals, less harm done to your skin

Non-organic skincare products contain a variety of chemicals that can be very harsh to your skin. Ingredients such as parabens and SLS can negatively affect skin and cause various issues.

If you’re not sure about which those chemicals are, a very simple way to figure it out is to read the ingredients list. The ingredients that you probably don’t understand or recognize are the bad ones you should be avoiding.

2. Organic products contain natural ingredients which are more beneficial

Products that are organic certified contain natural ingredients which have been grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers or other chemicals. This means that most of their nutrients can be found in the products and will get absorbed from your skin. Therefore, they are more beneficial.

3. Environmentally friendly

As mentioned above, organic products are made without the use of fertilizers and synthetic chemicals. Their production is therefore better for the environment as the footprint they leave on the planet is less harmful.

4. Most organic skincare products are cruelty-free

Organic skincare companies do not test their products on animals, since the ingredients they are using are natural and are therefore safe for humans to use. By purchasing such products, you are not only helping your skin but you’re supporting a whole environmental movement to protect the animals.

5. Less likely to cause allergies

Organic products are less likely to cause allergic reactions and skin irritations, simply because they contain natural ingredients.

6. They are better for your skin and work wonders

Being free from harsh chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers, organic ingredients are packed with nutrients, vitamins, and all those good things your skin needs to glow and get healthy. Your skin will absorb them in an instant and they’ll start working their magic. Therefore, they work better!

What are the worst non-organic ingredients in skincare products?

The majority of skincare products contain various non-organic ingredients that can be really harmful for your skin. We’ve gathered a list of the worst ones to help you navigate through those long ingredients lists that make absolutely no sense.


Aluminum is a toxic metal that can cause functionality issues when it comes to the endocrine system. It can be found in most products, and most commonly anti-perspirant deodorants.


These three toxic ingredients can be found pretty much everywhere. Eye make-up, facial cleansers, haircare products are just some examples. Keep an eye on the ingredient list when you’re about to get a new product.


Parabens are usually used as preservatives in skincare products and could be a cause for hormonal imbalance. Similarly to DEA, MEA, and TEAs, parabens can be found pretty much everywhere and are not always mentioned on the ingredients lists.

Propylane Glycol

This ingredient is usually used as a thickener for various skincare products and could rip off your skin’s natural moisture. It’s usually found in facial cleansers.

Synthetic Fragrances

Synthetic fragrances can be found everywhere, not just your skincare products. Think candles, air fresheners and so many more household products!


You’ll find those chemicals in pretty much anything that foams. Shampoos, cleansers, soaps, anything!

Should I try an Organic Facial Massage?

YES! Of-course you should! Organic facial massages will give you all the benefits of natural skincare in just a single session. Packed with nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants, they contain everything your skin needs to glow and get healthier. They are also a great way to get started with a natural skincare routine, and your massage therapist can also help you identify the best brands to try out.

Swapping your regular skincare products with natural and organic ones, is definitely a step towards a healthier routine and lifestyle. They are not only better for your skin but the environment too. If you are not sure about how to get started with your new routine, try out an organic facial massage. It will give you a good overview of the ingredients used as well as on how these work to improve your skin.

Face Holistic offers a range of organic facials that treat different skincare problems e.g. ageing, congested, dry skin. Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation with our beauty therapists!



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